Hosted by Reelfoot Lake Tourism Council. 1 or 2 people per boat. Registration 5:30AM to 6:30AM Fishing ends at 1:30PM and must be at weigh-in by 2:30PM each day. 7 fish limit each day, live fish only (2 oz. penalty for dead fish). Entry Fee includes $10/Boat Big Catfish 1st Place 60% and 2nd Place 40% Fishing during tournament hours only.10% per minute late penalty. 10-minutes late is disqualification. Weigh-in at any time. Pole or rod and reel only. All participants are subject to polygraph test! No live scope. Ties will be broken by the lowest boat number. Rain date in case of severe weather will be July 13-14, 2024. Lodging facilities (except State Park) are offering a 10% discount on room rates. If you register before June 25, your name will be eligible for drawing (at Saturday weigh-in) for gift certificate at local restaurants. 1st place $45 Boathouse, 2nd place $40 Boyette’s, and 3rd place $35 The Pit.